New therapeutic approaches for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) based on new findings

New therapeutic approaches for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) based on new findings

Learn how Spirovital Therapy can help with AMD:

New perspectives and therapeutic approaches in age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

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    Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

    Effects on eyes, retina and macula cells and their blood vessels – Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves

    All our organs, eyes and vessels are made up of different types of tissues and cells formed from the three germ layers called the endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm (embryology). The autonomous nervous system controls and regulates these cells and vessels in response to the given situation. Among other things, stress and tension allow more light to pass through the dilated pupils to the light-sensitive visual cells and more oxygen to be transported to the eye cells and converted into energy (ATP).

    The combination of increased energy production and the increased amount of light hitting the retina cells automatically results in a rise in the number of aggressive oxygen radicals produced in the affected cells/tissue. And this will – over time – lead to accelerated damage of the retina and macula cells.

    The required internal repair mechanisms initiated by the body often result in the formation of small (micro) swellings between the white of the eye (sclera) and the retina (retina and macula cells). These micro-swellings, however, are a necessary and indispensable part of the repair process. But they do initially cause visual impairment (lifting/loosening of a part of the retina/macula), which in most people understandably stimulates a high level of anxiety and hence more stress.

    The biological and physiological processes at work here, though, are the same as you might experience after twisting your ankle. The swelling that follows is very important for the repair and healing process, and thus makes perfect biological sense.

    If you are like most people, you will now pay a visit to your doctor who will then aggravate the stress cycle even further by doing what the generally accepted opinion (opinion, not science) calls for, namely to initiate therapeutic measures. This serves to sharply intensify the existing levels of stress, since the patient gets the impression that he or she will soon suffer vision loss or blindness if something is not done immediately.

    Many sufferers of age-related macular degeneration regularly report that their vision is better on some days than it is on others. How can it be that „defective“ macula cells allow vision to be sometimes better and sometimes worse? Are these „defective“ macula cells not „defective“ after all, but simply perform better on certain days under certain conditions than they do on other days?

    If so, and if you have also experienced such ups and downs in performance, then the thing to do is to identify the circumstances and conditions under which your macular cells perform and work better.

    These circumstances and conditions are not mysterious or random factors, but follow simple biological and physiological laws.

    The danger situations perceived by the body are not necessarily what we think of as true dangers, such as an accident or a physical attack, but are often unconscious dangers such as family stress, relationship stress, boss stress, money stress, environmental stress, communication stress, to name but a few.

    The biological reasoning behind stress is to increase energy production (in the form of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP) in the mitochondria in order to successfully deal with the danger situation by either fighting or fleeing.

    Once the danger situation has been successfully averted, the parasympathetic nerve becomes dominant and the previously dilated pupils contract back to their normal size or smaller (to restrict light entry) and the function of the activated/light-sensitive eye cells returns to normal.

    This constant dynamic interplay between pupil dilation and pupil contraction and between the increase and normalization of retina/macular cell performance enables us to survive – in the same way as food intake and excretion or inhaling and exhaling. Both these poles belong together and are mutually dependent.

    The macula region – swelling during the repair phase subordinate organs and organ systems in any situation.

    We have produced this AMD compendium to provide you with information and results that were not previously available and that may open up completely new perspectives concerning the successful treatment of age-related macular degeneration.

    The experience gained over the last 14 years clearly shows something that has also been confirmed by ophthalmologists and opticians, namely that it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in vision in patients with age-related macular degeneration and to reduce gray creep and the metabolic deposits called drusen.

    To achieve such improvement, the body’s internal repair and regeneration processes need to be able to do their job, and this in turn requires that certain preconditions be met.

    Swells during the repair phase - level 1
    Stage 1: No swelling
    Swelling during the repair phase: Level 2 - Medium swelling
    Stage 2: Slight swelling
    Severe swelling during the repair phase in macular degeneration
    Stage 3: Severe swelling

    Swelling is part of biologically effective repair processes following certain injuries or tissue changes. For a sprained foot, a bee sting, a knock to the head or tissue repair processes, swelling has for millennia been a proven part of our intelligent and complex bodily repair system.

    In the retina and macular regions, however, repair swelling between the sclera and the retina leads to visual impairment, which when first experienced understandably causes anxiety and stress in most people.

    This in turn results in a state of constant stress (= sympathicotonia) and inevitably to more light entering the eye which causes even more damage – a vicious cycle that needs to be broken.

    Light exposure of sympathicotonia/vagotonia

    Large pupils – high light admission – sympathetic nervous system dominant (fight or flight situation)

    A large amount of light strikes the retina and macular. The accelerated photoactivity and metabolic activity (energy production/ oxygen consumption) generate free radicals, which increase the damage done to the light-sensitive visual cells.

    Small pupils – low light admission – parasympathetic nervous system dominant (recuperation, regeneration and repair processes)

    Less light strikes the retina and macular. The extra damage to the cells can be repaired.

    Light incidence into the eye in sympathicotonia and vagotonia

    If more damage occurs to the retina and macula cells than can be repaired by the body alone, functional disorders and damage occur which can have an impact on vision.

    Characteristics of macular degeneration

    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is characterized by:

    • Distorted vision (metamorphopsia) caused by deposits known as drusen.
    • We differentiate between a dry form and a wet form of the condition.

    1. Dry form

    Dry AMD is the most common form and is found in 80 to 85 percent of cases.
    As the regulatory capacity of the autonomic nervous system (the „control center“) diminishes with age, metabolic activity and regeneration processes no longer function at their optimum and the body is no longer able to repair the growing number of damaged cells on its own

    Over a number of years, functional impairment and damage occur to the light-sensitive cells of the eye‘s retina. Vision loss occurs very gradually and the ability to read normally is retained for a long period.

    2. Wet form

    Seen in 15 to 20 percent of cases, the wet form of macular degeneration is rarer but its progression is much faster.
    This condition is characterized by the growth of new blood vessels below or into the retina which, depending on the stage of the condition, cause the retina to lift. Medical professionals use the term „neovascular AMD“ to describe the condition.

    Under certain conditions, leakage occurs from these blood vessels, allowing blood and fluids to seep into the retina and damage the sensory cells. This form of AMD can lead to serious vision loss within a very short period.

    Possible symptoms of AMD:

    • Reduced visual acuity with loss of reading ability, especially in the fixated area
    • Reduced contrast sensitivity, fixated area appears as a gray spot
    • Reduced color discernment
    • Reduced adaptability to changing light conditions
    • Increased glare sensitivity
    • Central scotomas (visual field defects)
    • Distorted vision (straight lines appear wavy/bent)
    Loss of reading ability as a symptom of macular degeneration

    The eye is one of the organs in the human body with the highest per cell consumption of energy and oxygen.

    Of course, where the demand for energy (ATP energy storage molecule in the cells) is high, so is the demand for oxygen and nutrients.

    The conversion of oxygen into energy automatically produces a greater number of aggressive oxygen radicals, so-called free radicals.

    This is no problem as long as there is a balance between the formation of free radicals and their neutralization by antioxidant substances.

    If, however, more free radicals are produced than can be rendered harmless by the body‘s own forces, damage will occur to the sensitive structures of the mitochondria, membranes and cells, particularly to the retina and macula cells and thus ultimately to the eye.

    Causes of age-related macular degeneration

    The following causes are possible:
    • Circulatory disorders in the vascular system of the eye
    • Disturbed metabolic processes in the macular and retina cells
    • Imbalance in the psyche, emotions and in the processing of normal personal and job-related issues
    • Oxidative stress
    • Old age
    • Pre-existing conditions such as arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), high blood pressure and diabetes
    • Unbiological and “unnatural” diet (lacking necessary basics required for the proper functioning of the retina cells, including micronutrients, vitamins, trace elements, enzymes, phytochemicals and enough pure water)
    • Psychic stress (e.g. recurring conflicts)
      Eye-specific conflicts:

      • I can‘t see something/someone any longer (wish to see/lost sight of)
      • I don‘t want to see something/someone any longer (wish not to see)
      • I am nearly blinded by anger
      • I‘ve lost sight of what‘s going on
    • Genetic disposition
    • Previous eye operations, injuries and other traumata
    • Smoking

    Diagnosis of macular degeneration

    Self-diagnosis with the Amsler test:

    Distorted vision (metamorphopsia) is one of the typical symptoms of macular degeneration. The Amsler test is used to determine whether affected persons see straight lines as being bent or shifted. The test can be self-conducted:

    Normal vision

    Abnormal vision

    Fluorescein angiography

    Fluorescein angiography is a diagnostic method used to detect diseases of the fundus.

    It involves the intravenous injection of a contrast medium (dye), which after a certain period reaches the blood vessels of the eye/fundus.

    Photographs are taken using a special light that excites (illuminates) the contrast medium, and then compared with photographs taken without contrast medium to reveal changes in the smallest blood vessels in the fundus.

    Fluorescein angiography is considered the gold standard for diagnosing wet-type macular degeneration and is covered by basic health insurance plans in Germany. Once a precise diagnosis is made, treatment can begin.

    Get the AMD Compendium as PDF here

      New therapeutic options for people with age-related macular degeneration

      The first and most important thing to do if you experience distorted vision or other initial symptoms of age-related macular degeneration is to remain calm. Panic and stress activate the sympathetic nervous system (tension nerve), which over the long term prevents and blocks the body‘s own repair and regeneration processes.

      At this point, you will need to make a decision as to which therapeutic pathway you wish to take. But before you make this decision, you should at least be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the various therapeutic methods. The fact is that every “unnatural” therapeutic method has disadvantages and side effects. Unfortunately, these are often played down or not fully explained by physicians, therapists and experts.

      The more information you have, the better you are able to select your course of therapy. This information enables you to responsibly and confidently take the decision that is right for you in the spirit of self-determination and self-accountability. For your healing process, it is important that you confront this issue with determination, because if you don’t, other people (strangers) will end up assuming responsibility for your therapy and your health. Holistically and biologically oriented therapists and physicians can accompany you along your path.

      Take enough time to make your decision. Macular degeneration is not a condition that requires emergency action.

      Should you decide in favor of a holistic/naturopathic therapy, you will still have the option of choosing conventional therapy later. Conventional therapy, on the other hand, may cause damage that cannot later be reversed.

      Holistic therapeutic options

      The basic idea behind the following holistic therapies is to identify the metabolic and repair processes that have been disturbed and to bring them back into balance so that the body’s innate repair processes can again perform optimally.

      Since there is no destruction or battling of cells and tissue, there is no risk of irreversible damage. Here, the focus is much more on understanding the biological and physiological processes going on in the affected tissue.

      • Spirovital therapy
      • Acupuncture - particularly Boel acupuncture
      • Orthomolecular therapy
      • Herbal and homeopathic remedies
      • Conflict recognition and elimination for stress reduction
      • Relaxation methods
      • Change of diet

      Conventional therapeutic options

      Let us now look at the treatments administered most often. The problem with these classic therapies is that they do not treat the actual causes of AMD.
      It is always assumed that the body is stupid and out of whack and that our job is to repair this defect – and this despite the up to one million intelligently controlled chemical reactions that take place every second in every cell.
      It‘s a good thing that we enjoy freedom of religion and that people can believe what they want 🙂

      The risk associated with these methods, however, is extremely high. Damage such as scarring, destruction of the macular and retina cells and of surrounding tissue drastically reduces the chances for the body’s own regeneration and repair processes to be effective.

      Even if you choose to undergo one of the conventional therapies, the Spirovital therapy can be applied as a complimentary therapy to minimize possible side effects, improve repair processes and increase overall well-being.

      • Intravitreous injection of VEGF inhibitors:

        VEGF inhibitors are drugs designed to prevent new vascular growth in or under the retina. VEGF stands for vascular endothelial growth factor. The drugs are injected using a syringe inserted directly into the eye using local anasthesia.
      • Thermal laser therapy:

        Thermal laser therapy is used to seal (burn) newly formed blood vessels to prevent further growth. This therapy, however, also destroys the visual cells located above the vessels!
      • Photodynamic therapy (PDT):

        PDT works by introducing light-sensitive catalysts into the blood vessels of the fundus and then exciting them by means of laser light. The previously non-reactive catalysts now become reactive and cause nearby oxygen to assume the singlet state. This reactive oxygen (which acts like free radicals) leads to the destruction of the surrounding cells, including healthy ones.
      • Drug injection behind the eye:

        In this therapy, a modified cortisone preparation is injected behind the eye at six-month intervals using a special needle. The preparation is used to prevent the growth of new blood vessels in or below the retina, and it is only used in Australia.

      Successful new therapy for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) using synergy effects

      According to the teaching of conventional medicine, there is no cure for macular degeneration. Once the cells of the macular become damaged, there appears to be next to no chance for regeneration and long-term vision improvement.

      Experience with Spirovital therapy, however, has clearly demonstrated that it is possible to regenerate damaged macular cells. It is indeed possible to achieve both a long-term improvement in vision as well as a reduction in drusen and film buildup.

      In some patients, visual capacity rose from 10 percent to over 60 percent in the course of a few months. These are not rare, isolated cases. They are cases in which the holistic prerequisites were achieved so that the body could carry out its own repair and regeneration processes.

      Even for conditions arising due to defective genes, such as mucoviscidosis, therapeutic success has been achieved after just two years using holistic methods. Since diseases of the macular progress differently in each individual, the therapy applied should be custom-designed and monitored. This is where we can help.

      Can macular cells regenerate?

      Every second of our lives, 10 million new cells are formed in the body and just as many old or defective cells are removed. The body has many ways of compensating for or repairing functional disorders and damage. Doing so, however, requires that certain preconditions be met.

      Preconditions for repair and regeneration processes in people with macular degeneration (AMD)

      Our DNA (genetic material) is not rigid, unflexible and unchangeable. On the contrary, it adapts itself to continuously changing living and environmental conditions.
      To live means to respond to stimulation and to deal with different situations in the best way possible. It is not the strongest who survive in nature, but those who can best adapt.

      If the body‘s internal repair and regeneration processes are to function optimally, the following conditions should be met:

      • The vagus/parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation system, responsible for regeneration, repair and energy buildup) should be dominant more often than the sympathetic nervous system (tension system = responsible for the fight-or-flight response and the struggle for survival)
      • Basic building materials and building blocks need to be available in the amount required for the eye cells to function and regenerate perfectly. This can only happen if the body is able to take up a sufficient amount of micronutrients.
      • Identify your biological conflicts and try to resolve them.
      • Question your personal habits and mindsets that may have led to your illness (nutrition, intentions and goals, stress, lack of exercise, etc.).
      • Strengthen your eye muscles and promote circulation by training with pinhole glasses. The need to constantly refocus when wearing pinhole glasses is an effective way to train your eyes.
      • Support your body with proven herbal and naturopathic remedies and holistic therapies
      • Drink lots of pure, low-mineral water (e.g Lauretana/Mont Roucous) to help bind and excrete more metabolic waste products.

      Required micronutrients for AMD:

      Beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene

      Vitamins C, E

      Zinc, selenium

      Citrus bioflavonoids and blueberry anthocyanins

      B complex vitamins (B1, B2, niacin amide, calcium pantothenate, B6, biotin, folic acid, B12, B15 – pangamic acid)

      Person using Airnergy Vitalisator

      Tried and tested naturopathic preparations (available from pharmacies):

      Euphrasia (e.g. from Ceres/Alcea PZN 0178910)

      Ginkgo (e.g. from Ceres/Alcea PZN 0178985 – in combination with Euphrasia)

      Spirovital therapy – applications for patients with chronic eye diseases

      • Age-related macular degeneration

      • Retinopathies

      • Cataract

      • Glaucoma

      • Conjunctivitis

      Aim and logic of Spirovital therapy

      If the superordinated control organ can better regulate with the support of Spirovital therapy, subordinated processes, organs and organ systems can also work and regulate better again.

      Aim: To improve blood circulation, remove a greater quantity of metabolic waste products, enhance protection against free radicals and cellular damage, regenerate the retina cells and improve the regulatory capacity of the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

      Recommendations for use

      • 20 minutes several times a day

      Some users respond extremely well to progressive doses, beginning with short administration durations and gradually increasing.

      Risks and side effects

      During the last 14 years, no risks or side effects from Spirovital therapy have been reported. It can be used in combination with conventional medical and/or naturopathic therapies.

      Combination of three therapies to combat macular degeneration

      1. Inhalation therapy

      (Relaxation energy from singlet oxygen)
      The activated air (with no increase in oxygen levels) is inhaled for about 20 minutes using a nasal cannula.

      There is a measurable improvement in HRV (regulation and control of the ANS), in external respiration (transport of oxygen from the air through the lungs to the blood), in internal respiration (transport of oxygen in the blood to the mitochondria and conversion into cellular energy – ATP) as well as better protection against free radicals.

      All this is achieved without the addition of foreign substances, increased oxygen or ozone. Spirovital technology successfully mimics natural processes that have existed for millions of years (i.e. photosynthesis).

      2. Chromotherapy

      For centuries, colours have been used successfully in medicine for various ailments. The knowledge about colours and their effect on body and soul is the key to the integrated chromotherapy.

      Neither esoterics nor faith in effectiveness alone are involved here. The basic knowledge of physics and biology is the foundation for Spirovital chromotherapy.

      3. Aromatherapy

      Essential oils have been used for centuries to increase well-being or against specific complaints – not without reason: Spirovital aroma therapy offers 18 different, 100 percent pure essential oil compositions, focusing on different clinical symptoms, to choose from.

      Odours directly affect our supervisory, subconsciously driven control organ – the autonomic nervous system – followed by immediate feedback signals such as: “Very pleasant”, “stimulating”, “calming” or even “unpleasant”.

      Our senses are very refined and sensitive, when there is no interference. They can give us clues in due time, which are intuitive and we should always follow them.

      The technology behind the trial results – Basic processes learned from nature

      Spirovital therapy uses the relaxation energy of singlet oxygen – the body is not flooded with extra oxygen, as known from traditional/conventional oxygen therapies. Relaxation energy is the energy released when the activated oxygen (singlet state) transitions to the inert ground state (triplet state).

      This technology promotes an energy transfer via the water molecules present in humidity, which may be inhaled using a nasal cannula. The energy-transfer is accomplished by exciting stable, photo-sensitive catalysts (activation chambers) with a specific wavelength of light. The role model for this is photosynthesis.

      This fluorescence/chemoluminescence process continuously releases relaxation energy from singlet oxygen, which is absorbed by the water molecules in humidity and transported further.

      Finally, this technology provides a COPD therapy free of side-effect and pain, addressing the causes and the locations of the disease (lung cells, mitochondria, and superordinated control organ ANS).

      Processes within the catalyst

      Energy released from singlet oxygen in the form of photons (red light quanta). After releasing the energy, the singlet oxygen returns into triplet oxygen (basic state of the oxygen molecule).

      Study successes in macular degeneration- released singlet oxygen energy is channeled through humidified room air

      The energy released from singlet oxygen in the form of photons (red light quanta) reaches the adjacent chamber, through which ambient air – containing humidity – is fed.

      The released relaxation energy of the singlet oxygen is transported into the body via the nasal cannula

      The energy released from singlet oxygen in the form of photons (red light quanta) is absorbed by the water molecules (humidity) and transported into our body by inhalation using a nasal cannula.

      Consulting and information

      Our friendly team of advisors will be happy to help you and answer any questions you may have about breathing healthy air through our vitalizers.

      Realistic objectives and ambitions – the basis for your success

      Unrealistic expectations lead to failure, frustration, insecurity, dissatisfaction, and ultimately to stress or chronic stress. Chronic stress causes the pupils to dilate, allowing more light to enter and hence promoting the production of free radicals, a process that is antagonized by the increased conversion of oxygen to produce even more energy. This is a vicious circle that needs to be broken. Setting realistic objectives for yourself on a daily basis is an important first step.

      On days when you are not feeling well and your vision is poorer than on previous days, you should set different goals and objectives for yourself than on days when you are in better form. This process, i.e. learning to define realistic goals and objectives, may well take six to twelve months.

      Expecting to achieve therapeutic success within four to eight weeks is unrealistic and will inevitably produce more stress.

      Example of realistic objectives for AMD patients:

      • Months 1 – 6 after beginning the treatment: stopping any further progression of AMD
      • Months 7 – 12: achieve a measurable improvement in vision and HRV (heart rate variability)

      Spirovital therapy – Trials and empirical evidence

      In all patients suffering from marked macular degeneration, heart rate variability (HRV) is reduced. This means that the regulatory ability of the body’s superordinate control center – the autonomic nervous system – is limited. As the disease progresses, HRV deteriorates even further.

      A pilot study was done to examine the impact of oxygen energy therapy on the superordinate control center – the autonomic nervous system. The study measured heart rate variability (HRV), which is considered the gold standard in many diagnostic guidelines. The 37 persons who participated ranged from 23 to 83 years of age.

      HRV analysis is an immediate indication of how well the autonomic nervous system acts and regulates. The value SI (sympathetic activity) is associated with stress/tension; RMSSD (parasympathetic activity) reflects the level of recovery/relaxation; and TP (total power) indicates the total energy in the body.

      Since nowadays, we, and especially AMD patients, frequently suffer from chronic stress, the stress value (SI) should decrease, the recuperative value (RMSSD) should increase, and total energy (TP) should also increase – the more, the better.

      In this pilot study, oxygen energy therapy devices with five activation chambers were used along with chromotherapy.

      SI – Activity of the sympathetic nervous system (stress index)

      SI – Activity of the sympathetic nervous system (stress index)

      The significant decrease (p < 0.001) in SI (-21.8 %) shows a clear reduction in sympathetic activity, indicating a reduction in stress and stress responses in the body.

      RMSSD – Activity of the parasympathetic nervous system

      RMSSD – Activity of the parasympathetic nervous system

      The significant increase ( p < 0.001) in RMSSD (+27.1 %) indicates a significant increase in parasympathetic activity, evidencing an improved recuperation/regeneration of the body.

      TP – Total power

      TP – Total power

      The significant increase (p < 0.001) in overall effectiveness (TP +16.78 %) of the autonomic nervous system points to a significant increase in reserves and to the effectiveness of energy balancing and metabolism.

      By deepening our understanding of the biological and physiological correlations associated with the autonomic nervous system (the body's superordinate control system) and of the predictable, tissue-specific reactions, we are discovering new ways of thinking about and treating AMD.

      The systematic application of these insights in the form of Airnergy therapy combined with a holistic and biological approach and the support and care provided by our team has shown that long-term application makes it possible to achieve a clear improvement in vision and ANS regulation in AMD patients.

      People affected report on their experiences

      Airnergy therapy

      • does not supply the body with unphysiologically high concentrations of oxygen,
      • does not supply the body with an excess of oxygen radicals (ionized oxygen/ozone),
      • does not enforce any responses by intake of foreign substances,


      • improves the regulating capacities of the ANS, and thus the fundamental control and regulation processes in the body,
      • improves oxygen utilization, i. e. the use of oxygen in the cells for increased energy production,
      • improves the protective functions of the cells against free radicals by increasing the formation of own natural protective enzymes in the body without supplying foreign substances.
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